AAC Links and Evidence

The development of Evidence Based Practice in the area of AAC is ongoing, and is always looking to become stronger.  Therefore we need to take a broad look at what constitutes evidence.  While AGOSCI does not provide policy documents or practice guidelines, we can provide you with a toolkit of documents that you may find useful.

1. Professional Bodies

- Speech Pathology Australia - AAC practice guidelines (requires membership to download)

- American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) - AAC: Position Statement,  Knowledge and Skills document, and Technical Report

2. International Interest and Support Groups

- Communication Matters (UK) - Information website, and the Shining A Light on AAC report

- International Society for AAC (ISAAC) - information website

- Assistive Technology Alliance New Zealand (ATANZ) - information website

3. National Organisations, Interest Groups, and Government Bodies

- ILC - Technology and Communication website

- NSW State Government - AAC Practice Guidelines

- SCOPE Victoria - Free downloadable CCN resources