Webinar recording - High-tech PODD A Webinar Overview Series
Webinar recording
High-tech PODD A Webinar Overview Series
Presented by Gayle Porter, Link Assistive, Zyteq and Assistive Ware.
AGOSCI has proudly partnered with Gayle Porter, Link Assistive, Zyteq, and AssistiveWare
Webinar overview
Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) can be accessed on a variety of high tech platforms and devices. The technology is constantly evolving, and the capabilities of different platforms and devices can differ! Do you find yourself feeling confused or overwhelmed by the different high-tech PODD options, and where to begin?
Content covered will include the following high-tech PODD options:
TD Snap with PODD
Grid for iPad/Grid 3 with PODD
- Mind Express 5 with PODD
AGOSCI has partnered with Gayle Porter, and a variety of High-Tech PODD suppliers to bring you this 2-part webinar series, and help you better understand your High-Tech PODD options. Join us online for two 90 minute webinars to learn more!
Webinar 1 Learning Outcomes
In this webinar, join Gayle Porter as she explains some of the similarities, differences and variations in vocabulary organisations needed to capitalize on, and accommodate for, the innate differences between paper books and electronic devices.**
**Please note: This webinar does not replace the full day 'PODD for SGD' workshop facilitated by Gayle in other settings. This Webinar series is an overview only. For information on the full day workshop, please visit the CPEC website here.
Webinar 2 Learning Outcomes
In this webinar, join three suppliers as they walk you through the PODD software available on their devices and platforms. Each supplier will discuss relevant features of PODD that are unique to their product, and will give live demonstration of PODD on their individual platforms.
Workshop details
Webinar 1 and webinar 2 recordings are 90 minutes in length each (plus questions at the end).
Gayle Porter is a Speech Pathologist with over 30 years hands on experience in the field working with people with complex communication needs. Gayle currently works at the Cerebral Palsy Education Centre in Melbourne, Australia. She also has a private practice working with both children and teenagers with complex communication needs in their schools. Gayle developed and has published resources on the Pragmatic Organization Dynamic Display (PODD) communication books and pages sets for speech generating devices. In addition, she has authored articles, publications and chapters on Augmentative and Alternative Communication and cerebral palsy. Gayle is a highly sought after international presenter.
Charlene Cullen has been a speech pathologist working in the disability sector with children and adults for over 20 years. She is currently working as an assistive technology consultant and clinical team leader with Link Assistive. Charlene has a strong passion in the area of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technologies including eye gaze technology, alternative access options, environmental control, mounting solutions and an interest in the area of voice banking.
Karyn Muscat is a speech pathologist and clinical team leader at Zyteq. Karyn has specialised in assistive technology for people with complex communication needs in her speech pathology clinical work. In her previous roles, Karyn has worked in private practice, within the Department of Education and the Communication Access Network – a specialist service for adults who use AAC. Karyn has a special interest in the use of eye-gaze and other technology to support both in-person and online communication.
Amanda Hartmann is a Speech Language Therapist with over 21 years experience working in schools and with families and as a technology consultant. All this has led to a passion for working with children and young adults with disabilities and learning difficulties. She loves sharing what she knows about Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Literacy.
AGOSCI would like to Gayle Porter, Link Assistive, Zyteq and Assistive Ware for presenting this webinar to our AGOSCI audience.
AGOSCI is an independent body and does not endorse individual products or brands.
AGOSCI acknowledges the presence and contributions of all suppliers and resources available in the Australian AAC marketplace.
Registration and cancellation policy
Registration is only confirmed upon full payment of fee. Please note total ticket price will include an additional $0.69 + 0.7% per-transaction service fee. To access the discounted rate for members you must be logged into your AGOSCI member account prior to registration.
100% refund until 60 days before event
50% refund between 8-59 days before event
No refunds within 0-7 days before event start date
Applications for registrations are subject to final approval by AGOSCI to ensure fair and equal access to events across organisations. Waitlist registrations will be taken upon all positions being filled.
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