Update from NT New Complex Communication SIG

11th May 2017

Update from the top end: There is a Complex Communication Special Interest Group now running in conjunction with the Children’s Development Team. Please email interest in attending to agoscint@agosci.org.au. The first group of the year was held on Thursday 20th April. Attendees included therapists from Children’s Development Team, Carpentaria Disability Services, Catholic Education, Life Without Barriers, and the Top End Remote Team. The topic of the meeting was Multi-Modal Communication in the Classroom. CDT therapists presented a PD they had provided to staff at the new special school in Palmerston. They then showed a tool kit of visuals that has been given to the school to support them with aided their students communication. Following this everyone attending had a chance to look at some devices and apps the team have been using. For the next meeting everyone has been asked to bring along their AAC questions for the group to discuss.

Venue: Conference Room at Casuarina Plaza Level 1 C

Time: 4pm – 5pm Dates:   15th June, 10th August, 5th Oct, 30th November

Ciara-Lucy Forrest | Speech Pathologist

Children’s Development Team | Department of Health

Update from Central Australia: No new updates.

Annette Mikecz Speech Pathologist Office of Disability Alice Springs


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