Videos (Presentations and More)

The following are freely available presentations from previous Agosci events, as well as videos relating to Agosci. 

To view handouts and PDF's from previous National Conferences, please view the respective pages under "Conference Publications".

Agosci National Conference 2017 - Melbourne

ACE BRYANS - "Fighting For Our Rights" (Presentation, YouTube clip)

"Fighting for our rights" was written by Ace to advocate for those with with communication difficulties. He believes the everyone should be given the opportunity to access High tech communication devices  so they have access to unlimited vocabulary. Ace has had the opportunity to expand his language by having a high tech device, learning over time sentence structure to engage in meaningful conversation, something too many take for granted. AAC changes the lives of those in need of a voice, don't limit communication! "  

ARIELLA - "The Invention that Changed My Life - PODD Communication Book" (Presentation, YouTube clip)

Ariella is a young teenager who has complex communication needs (is non verbal) who uses Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC). She delivers a project she did at school about PODD communication books, interviewing the creator of PODD, Gayle Porter.

Agosci National Conference 2015 - Brisbane

BEN KINGSTON - "AAC is now Augmented and Alternative [Music] Composition" (Presentation, YouTube clip)

Ben Kingston presents about poetry, songs and collaborative composition on his journey with loads of help from friends.


Agosci National Conference 2011 - Adelaide

DARRYL SELLWOOD - "Take This: It's More Than Participation,  It's Enabling Satisfying Lives" (Presentation, YouTube clip)

Darryl was a director of the Australian Communication Exchange Limited (ACE), a not-for-profit company offering communication products and services to Deaf, hearing, hearing impaired individuals and those with Complex Communication Needs (CCN). He discusses social capital, his AAC journey, and insights into the future possibilities for AAC and telecommunications.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

RHONDA GALBALLY - "Into the Streets: People with Disabilities Fully Participating in Australian Society" (Presentation, YouTube clip)

Keynote presentation from the 2011 National Conference. Rhonda has focused her life on making a difference for a more equitable society, through many roles including founding CEO of Our Community, and other boards (including the Victoria Disability Advisory Council, National People with Disabilities and Carers Council, and the Royal Womens Hospital). She speaks about community engagement and taking it to the streets.

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

30 YEARS OF AGOSCI - Conference Opening (Video, YouTube clip)

This video was created for the opening of the AGOSCI 2011 conference in Adelaide. The video covered the past, present and some of the future issues in Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) in Australia and beyond.  It also celebrates AGOSCI's 30th birthday.


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